7501. Analyzing the Impact of Microcredit Programs in Asia: A Meta-Regression Analysis Framework Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Prem Chandran, Sneha Title: Analyzing the Impact of Microcredit Programs in Asia: A Meta-Regression Analysis Framework Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: microcreditmicrofinanceasiameta-analysisregressionjoint-lendingwomenmeta-regressionpovertycreditbusiness profitprofit File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Michael David Gechter, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
7502. Gender Differences in Nonverbal Communication In Autistic Adults Open Access Author: Popovich, Kirk Title: Gender Differences in Nonverbal Communication In Autistic Adults Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: AutismGenderNonverbal CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationAutism and GenderAutism and Nonverbal Communication File: Download Formatted_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amber Walker Jackson, Thesis SupervisorBecky Moore, Thesis Honors Advisor
7503. Learning Koopman Bilinear Models using Bi-level Optimization for Quadcopter Control in Complex Dynamic Environments Open Access Author: Prasetyo, Bayu Title: Learning Koopman Bilinear Models using Bi-level Optimization for Quadcopter Control in Complex Dynamic Environments Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: KoopmanQuadcopterControlsModeling File: Download Bayu_Prasetyo_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Junyi Geng, Thesis SupervisorCharles E Bakis, Thesis Honors Advisor
7504. Understanding and Identifying the Learning Impediments of the Linux Operating System Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Prasad, Mahika Title: Understanding and Identifying the Learning Impediments of the Linux Operating System Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: LinuxCommand LineLearning apathy File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Nick Giacobe, Thesis SupervisorNick Giacobe, Thesis Honors AdvisorAiping Xiong, Faculty Reader
7505. The Harsh Reality of Gambling Advertising Open Access Author: Purcell, Timothy Title: The Harsh Reality of Gambling Advertising Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: GamblingGambling AdvertisingSports BettingGambling Addiction File: Download Thesis_Final_Submission_-_Tim_Purcell.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matthew Michael Checchio, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor
7506. Associations Between Greek Life Membership and Undergraduate Student Well-being Open Access Author: Quinn, Meghan Title: Associations Between Greek Life Membership and Undergraduate Student Well-being Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: Emerging adulthoodGreek lifeSense of belongingSocial connectednessFraternitySororitySocial well-being File: Download Quinn_Meghan_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Gregory M Fosco, Thesis SupervisorBlake Anthony Colaianne, Thesis Honors Advisor
7507. Validation of Pseudo Virus Neutralization Assay (PVNT) for Domestic Cattle SARS-COV-2 Natural Infection Open Access Author: Quraishi, Meysoon Title: Validation of Pseudo Virus Neutralization Assay (PVNT) for Domestic Cattle SARS-COV-2 Natural Infection Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: SARS-CoV-2pseudo virus neutralization assayDomestic Cattleindirect ELISAPVNTCOVID-19 File: Download Validation_of_Pseudo_Virus_Neutralization_Assay__PVNT__for_Domestic_Cattle_SARS-COV-2_Natural_Infection_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ruth H Nissly, Thesis SupervisorRobert John Vansaun, Thesis Honors Advisor
7508. The Impact of Industrial Collapse on Communities: A Case Study of the American Automotive Industry Open Access Author: Pusateri, Isabella Title: The Impact of Industrial Collapse on Communities: A Case Study of the American Automotive Industry Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Difference-In-DifferenceDynamic Difference-In-DifferenceAutomotive IndustryPlant ClosuresMicroeconomic Shocks File: Download Pusateri_-_The_Impact_of_Industrial_Collapse_on_Communities.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Delina E Agnosteva, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
7509. An In-depth Analysis on Vulnerability Discovery Systems for Embedded Systems Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Ramnath, Geoffrey Title: An In-depth Analysis on Vulnerability Discovery Systems for Embedded Systems Area of Honors: Cybersecurity Analytics & Operations Keywords: Internet of ThingsEmbedded SystemsCybersecurity File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Taegyu Kim, Thesis SupervisorNick Giacobe, Thesis Honors Advisor
7510. ‘It’s not like this with other people’: Deconstructing the Normative Romance Novel through Sally Rooney’s Normal People Open Access Author: Quaid, Meghan Title: ‘It’s not like this with other people’: Deconstructing the Normative Romance Novel through Sally Rooney’s Normal People Area of Honors: English Keywords: Sally RooneyNormal PeoplefeminismJane Austenromance novelbildungsromanPride and PrejudiceAusten IndustryIrish File: Download MEGHANQ_THESISFINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Claire Mary Colebrook, Thesis SupervisorMatt Tierney, Thesis Honors Advisor
7511. Julian Fleming's homecoming: A Modern College Athlete Open Access Author: Ralph, Maxwell Title: Julian Fleming's homecoming: A Modern College Athlete Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: FootballSportsPenn StateCollege Sports File: Download Ralph_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John R Affleck, Thesis SupervisorWalter Middlebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor
7512. The Effects of Digital Media on Juvenile Delinquency Open Access Author: Rampersaud, Anjali Title: The Effects of Digital Media on Juvenile Delinquency Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: Digital mediajuvenile delinquencydeviancesubstance useviolent crimeproperty crimeunstructured socialismcrime File: Download Thesis_Spring_2024_Anjali_Rampersaud.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric P Baumer, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
7513. Development and Analysis of AI Generated Motivational Health Intervention Content Using Prompt Engineering Architecture Open Access Author: Pye, Nolan Title: Development and Analysis of AI Generated Motivational Health Intervention Content Using Prompt Engineering Architecture Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Generative AIPrompt EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language Processing File: Download Honors_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Saeed M Abdullah, Thesis SupervisorCarleen Maitland, Thesis Honors Advisor
7514. Exploring Corporate Tax Dynamics: The Case of the United Arab Emirates Open Access Author: Rafie, Abdul Rahman Title: Exploring Corporate Tax Dynamics: The Case of the United Arab Emirates Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: UAE Corporate TaxTaxUAETax AvoidancePrediction Model File: Download Rafie_Abdul_Rahman_Exploring_Corporate_Tax_Dynamics_The_Case_of_The_United_Arab_Emirates.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Huilan Zhang, Thesis SupervisorLaura Rotunno, Thesis Honors AdvisorDaniel James Kerch, Faculty Reader
7515. Take a Look in the Rearview Mirror: Determinants of Nostalgic Consumer Responses to Automotive Retro Brands & the Impact on Perceived Utilities Open Access Author: Saganowich, Julia Title: Take a Look in the Rearview Mirror: Determinants of Nostalgic Consumer Responses to Automotive Retro Brands & the Impact on Perceived Utilities Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: RetroRetro BrandingRetro BrandsMarketingBrand ManagementAutomotiveAutomotive IndustryNostalgiaCarsPerceived UtilitiesBrand RelaunchBrand RevitalizationBrand RevivalNostalgia Marketing File: Download JuliaSaganowich_HonorsMarketingThesis_Spring2024_TakeaLookintheRearViewMirror.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Johanna H Slot, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor
7516. Engineering Periodontal Ligament Synthesis Through Environmental Modulation of Stem Cells Open Access Author: Runkle, Leeann Title: Engineering Periodontal Ligament Synthesis Through Environmental Modulation of Stem Cells Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: periodontal ligamentnanofiber surfaceregenerative engineeringextracellular matrix File: Download Runkle_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin Lee Brown, Thesis SupervisorJustin Lee Brown, Thesis Honors AdvisorLauren Griggs, Faculty ReaderMark D. Pacey, Faculty Reader
7517. Applying Recursive Quantum Circuit Generation to Solve Database Search Problems Using Grover's Algorithm Open Access Author: Rondinelli, Nate Title: Applying Recursive Quantum Circuit Generation to Solve Database Search Problems Using Grover's Algorithm Area of Honors: Software Engineering (Behrend) Keywords: Quantum ComputingGrover's AlgorithmRecursionToffoli GateQiskit File: Download Recursive_Grover.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wen-Li Wang, Thesis SupervisorWen-Li Wang, Thesis Honors AdvisorShahid Hussain, Faculty Reader
7518. Reclaiming Motor City: Creating Equitable Infrastructure in Post-Urban Renewal Detroit Open Access Author: Scanlon, Luke Title: Reclaiming Motor City: Creating Equitable Infrastructure in Post-Urban Renewal Detroit Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: architectureurban planningurban renewal File: Download Scanlon_Luke_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorOrsolya Gaspar, Thesis Honors Advisor
7519. Photosensitive Delivery of Mir-34a Using Core-Shell-Shell Nanoparticles to Treat Glioblastoma Open Access Author: Sawyers, Alex Title: Photosensitive Delivery of Mir-34a Using Core-Shell-Shell Nanoparticles to Treat Glioblastoma Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: GlioblastomaNanoparticlesFuran-Diels Alder File: Download Sawyers_Alex_Photosensitive_Delivery_of_Mir-34a_Using_CSS_Nanoparticles_to_Treat_Glioblastoma.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel J Hayes, Thesis SupervisorMeghan Vidt, Thesis Honors AdvisorJustin Lee Brown, Faculty Reader
7520. Spectroscopy Based In-situ Monitoring of AlSi10Mg Repair of 7000 Series Aluminum Open Access Author: Savage, Conor Title: Spectroscopy Based In-situ Monitoring of AlSi10Mg Repair of 7000 Series Aluminum Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Additive ManufacturingLaser Directed Energy DepsotionSpectroscopyRepairAluminum 7075Process Monitoring File: Download Savage_Conor_Honors_Thesis_PSU_Schreyer_AM_Process_Monitoring_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Edward William Reutzel, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors Advisor
7521. U.S.-Latin American Relations in the 1950s: The Impact and Inconsistencies of Former President of Penn State Milton S. Eisenhower Open Access Author: Savio, Allison Title: U.S.-Latin American Relations in the 1950s: The Impact and Inconsistencies of Former President of Penn State Milton S. Eisenhower Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: Milton S. EisenhowerEisenhower AdministrationCold WarLatin America1950spropogandaglobal relationships File: Download savio-thesis-final2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Hardy Heaney, Thesis SupervisorSarah J Townsend, Thesis Honors Advisor
7522. The impact of participation in sports on substance use during adolescence Open Access Author: Rowe, Brendan Title: The impact of participation in sports on substance use during adolescence Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: No keywords File: Download Thesis_Final_Draft_-_Brendan_Rowe_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric P Baumer, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
7523. The Rise and Fall of Insurtech Open Access Author: Roldan, Onyx Title: The Rise and Fall of Insurtech Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: InsurtechVenture CapitalInsuranceRegulation File: Download Roldan23_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Cather, Thesis SupervisorDavid Cather, Thesis Honors AdvisorLisa Lipowski Posey, Faculty Reader
7524. Redesign of Blade Flow Rig for Enhanced Air Flow Experiments Open Access Author: Sharma, Esha Title: Redesign of Blade Flow Rig for Enhanced Air Flow Experiments Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Turbine bladeGas turbineEngineering designBlade flow rigAirflowPressureRedesignMass flow File: Download EshaSharma_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karen Ann Thole, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors Advisor
7525. The Association Between Childhood Adversity and the Development of Cardiovascular Conditions in Adulthood: A Scoping Review Open Access Author: Siqueira De Novaes Franco, Laura Elena Title: The Association Between Childhood Adversity and the Development of Cardiovascular Conditions in Adulthood: A Scoping Review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: childhood adversitychildhood maltreatmentcardiovascular diseasesocio-ecologic model File: Download LAURA_ELENA_SIQUEIRA_DE_NOVAES_FRANCO_THESIS_2024.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Solim Lee, Thesis SupervisorCara L Exten, Thesis Honors Advisor
7526. Optimization of Metal Assisted Epitaxial Graphene Transfer on SiO2/Si Substrates Open Access Author: Sipe, Adam Title: Optimization of Metal Assisted Epitaxial Graphene Transfer on SiO2/Si Substrates Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: grapheneSiO2/Sihigh-power electronicsthin films File: Download Sipe_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua Alexander Robinson, Thesis SupervisorAmy Carol Robinson, Thesis Honors Advisor
7527. Mind the Darién Gap: Migration Trends through Americas’ Isthmus Open Access Author: Shiels, Emily Title: Mind the Darién Gap: Migration Trends through Americas’ Isthmus Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Geography & Global and International Studies Keywords: MigrationDrug TraffickingPanamaColombiaDarién GapU.S. foreign policyGeopolitics File: Download Thesis_EmilyShiels.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa W. Wright, Thesis SupervisorBrian H. King, Thesis Honors AdvisorKrista Brune, Thesis Honors Advisor
7528. Mutual Aid Networks as Catalysts for Social Change in Post-Industrial Pittsburgh Open Access Author: Simon, Mallory Title: Mutual Aid Networks as Catalysts for Social Change in Post-Industrial Pittsburgh Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: social welfareanthropologysocial support File: Download Thesis_-_Mallory_Simon.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, Thesis SupervisorLaurel Nichole Pearson, Thesis Honors Advisor
7529. The Poor Man’s Burden: How Climate Shocks Impact Migration in Rural Bangladesh Open Access Author: Sinha, Anika Title: The Poor Man’s Burden: How Climate Shocks Impact Migration in Rural Bangladesh Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Climate changeClimate migrationMigrationBangladeshAgriculture File: Download Anika_Sinha_Honors_Economics_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Grace Toufeili, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
7530. Neural Networks for Regulatory Element Analysis at Repetitive Genomic Regions Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Shi, Jeff Title: Neural Networks for Regulatory Element Analysis at Repetitive Genomic Regions Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: Neural NetworksENCODEDomain AdaptationTransposable ElementsRepetitive Regions File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Shaun Mahony, Thesis SupervisorYing Gu, Thesis Honors Advisor
7531. How Much is a Post Worth? Evaluating the Equivalence Standard in NIL Open Access Author: Shedleski, Lauren Title: How Much is a Post Worth? Evaluating the Equivalence Standard in NIL Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: NILsocial media File: Download FINAL_VERSION_8_Shedleski_NIL_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors Advisor
7532. Technical Direction of Urinetown Open Access Author: Simpson, Emily Title: Technical Direction of Urinetown Area of Honors: Theatre Keywords: TheatreTechnical DirectionDesignProductionDraftingConstruction File: Download Simpson_Emily_Technical_Direction_of_Urinetown.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Chris Sanford Russo, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Kenyon, Thesis Honors Advisor
7533. Analyzing the Effects of Food Advertising on Child Eating Behaviors Open Access Author: Solaimanian, Parisa Title: Analyzing the Effects of Food Advertising on Child Eating Behaviors Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Child obesityEating behaviorsFood advertisingBrand awarenessMaternal BMISex differences File: Download Parisa_s_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathleen Loralee Keller, Thesis SupervisorAlison D Gernand, Thesis Honors Advisor
7534. Prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies in high-priority cow groups: effects on cow performance, health, and inflammatory and metabolic status Open Access Author: Spring, Jacquelin Title: Prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies in high-priority cow groups: effects on cow performance, health, and inflammatory and metabolic status Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: Prepartum anti-inflammatory therapiesmetabolic statussystemic inflammationdaily milk yield File: Download Spring_Thesis_Final_with_edits.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Adrian A Barragan, Thesis SupervisorRobert John Vansaun, Thesis Honors Advisor
7535. Achievement Unlocked: The Sinister Convergence of Gaming and Terrorism Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Soni, Prachi Title: Achievement Unlocked: The Sinister Convergence of Gaming and Terrorism Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: gamificationextremist violenceterrorismonline radicalizationwhite supremacygaming cultureChristchurch shootingEl Paso shootingHalle synagogue attackmanifestoslivestreamingchan boardsdigital platforms File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Sommer N Mitchell, Thesis SupervisorKrista Brune, Thesis Honors Advisor
7536. Additional Contour Properties for the Hard-Core Model on Z^2 Open Access Author: Stebbins, Daniel Title: Additional Contour Properties for the Hard-Core Model on Z^2 Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: Self-Avoiding WalkSAWHard-Core ModelConnective ConstantCombinatoricsStatistical PhysicsComputer ScienceLattice Gases File: Download Honors_College_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Antonio Blanca, Thesis SupervisorJohn Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
7537. Evaluation of NWS Probabilistic Snowfall Graphics and NBM Snow Percentiles in the Mid-Atlantic Region Open Access Author: Spallone, Christian Title: Evaluation of NWS Probabilistic Snowfall Graphics and NBM Snow Percentiles in the Mid-Atlantic Region Area of Honors: Meteorology Keywords: snowfallforecastingprobabilistic forecastingensemblesweathernational weather servicewinter weather File: Download Honors_Thesis_Final_-_Christian_Spallone.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jon Michael Nese, Thesis SupervisorPaul Markowski, Thesis Honors Advisor
7538. Adolescent Alcohol’s Effects on Adult Drinking and Somatostatin Neurons Open Access Author: Springer, Matthew Title: Adolescent Alcohol’s Effects on Adult Drinking and Somatostatin Neurons Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: SomatostatinNeurodevelopmentAlcohol Consumption File: Download Adolescent_Alcohol_s_Effects_on_Adult_Drinking_and_Somatostatin_Neurons.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nikki Crowley, Thesis SupervisorSarah Mary Assmann, Thesis Honors Advisor
7539. Teaching Children to Enjoy Reading: Building A Strong Foundation in Children to Develop Lifelong Readers Open Access Author: Sterner, Courtney Title: Teaching Children to Enjoy Reading: Building A Strong Foundation in Children to Develop Lifelong Readers Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: EducationReadingAttitudesIndependent ReadingRead AloudElementaryTeachingLiteratureLifelong Readers File: Download Sterner_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrea Vujan Mccloskey, Thesis SupervisorAndrea Vujan Mccloskey, Thesis Honors AdvisorJason J Griffith, Faculty Reader
7540. Losing You, Finding Me Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Soricelli, Kira Title: Losing You, Finding Me Area of Honors: English Keywords: Poetrysexual violenceconsentintimate partner violence File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: John Edmond Marsh, Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor
7541. The Effects of Structural and Environmental Conditions on Insurgent Organization Participation in Illicit Activities,1998-2012 Open Access Author: Staricka, Allison Title: The Effects of Structural and Environmental Conditions on Insurgent Organization Participation in Illicit Activities,1998-2012 Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: InsurgencyCrime File: Download Allison_Staricka_-_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Vitek, Thesis SupervisorMichael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
7542. Investigating the Role of 1Q21.1 in Neurological Disease-Related Behaviors Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Thieu, Thanh Mai Title: Investigating the Role of 1Q21.1 in Neurological Disease-Related Behaviors Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Autism Spectrum DisorderASDSchizophreniaSCZNeurodevelopmental Diseases1q21.1Copy Number VariantNeuroscienceBehavioral Science File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yingwei Mao, Thesis SupervisorBernhard Luscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
7543. Effect of ZNF804A Knockout on A-βeta Formation in 5FAD Mice Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Temmer, Katherine Title: Effect of ZNF804A Knockout on A-βeta Formation in 5FAD Mice Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: BiologyNeuroscienceMolecular modelsTransgenic MiceAlzheimer's disease File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yingwei Mao, Thesis SupervisorTimothy J Jegla, Thesis Honors Advisor
7544. Adsorption of Red Dye 40 from Wastewater via a Moringa Oleifera Coated Cotton Filter Open Access Author: Terceiro, Kathryn Title: Adsorption of Red Dye 40 from Wastewater via a Moringa Oleifera Coated Cotton Filter Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: AdsorptionMoringaRed Dye File: Download Adsorption_of_Red_Dye_40_from_Wastewater_via_a_Moringa_Oleifera_Coated_Cotton_Filter_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Butler Velegol, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
7545. Detecting Type II-P Supernova Precursor Emission via Machine Learning Open Access Author: Tartaglia, Anna Title: Detecting Type II-P Supernova Precursor Emission via Machine Learning Area of Honors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords: Transient AstronomySupernovaeMachine Learning File: Download anna_tartaglia_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donald P Schneider, Thesis SupervisorCindy Yuexing Gulis, Thesis Honors Advisor
7546. An Analysis of Floquet Mode Control as a Station-Keeping Strategy for L2 Halo Orbits Open Access Author: Thornton, Ian Title: An Analysis of Floquet Mode Control as a Station-Keeping Strategy for L2 Halo Orbits Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: orbitstation-keepingastrodynamics File: Download Thornton_Thesis__2_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Puneet Singla, Thesis SupervisorRobert G. Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
7547. Longitudinal Survey on Ticks and Rodents in Central Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Tegge, Kristian Title: Longitudinal Survey on Ticks and Rodents in Central Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Entomology Keywords: . I. scapularistickwhite-footed miceChipmunkred-backed vole File: Download longitudinal_survey_on_ticks_and_rodents_in_Center_County__Pennsylvania.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erika T. Machtinger, Thesis SupervisorRobert John Vansaun, Thesis Honors Advisor
7548. The Potential Impact of Small Modular Reactor Introduction on Energy Supply Open Access Author: Tatcher, William Title: The Potential Impact of Small Modular Reactor Introduction on Energy Supply Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: small modular reactorsenergy supplymarket analysisoptimization problem File: Download Honors_Thesis__5_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karl Schurter, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
7549. Beyond the Hero: Depictions of Liminal Masculinity in Classical Greek Theater Open Access Author: Thomas, Jt Title: Beyond the Hero: Depictions of Liminal Masculinity in Classical Greek Theater Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: Ancient GreeceClassicsTheaterGenderQueernessTiresiasTheseusHippolytusDionysusPentheusAgathon File: Download JT_Thomas_CAMS_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna Irene Peterson, Thesis SupervisorGonzalo Rubio, Thesis Honors Advisor
7550. Error correcting codes for distributed non-linear function computation Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Tapha, Thitiwat Title: Error correcting codes for distributed non-linear function computation Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Communication systemoptimizationgradient descentalternating optimizationlogistic regressionloss functionmatrix-multiplication File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Viveck Ramesh Cadambe, Thesis SupervisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
7551. Comparative Cross-Sectional Analysis of Body Composition, Energy Status, and Triad-Related Symptoms in Japanese and American Female Distance Runners Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Vijaya Krishnan, Maha Lakshmi Title: Comparative Cross-Sectional Analysis of Body Composition, Energy Status, and Triad-Related Symptoms in Japanese and American Female Distance Runners Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Female Athlete TriadRacial differencesEthnic differencesFemale Athlete TriadCultural differencesBody CompositionEnergy AvailabilityEnergy DeficiencyMenstrual FunctionBone Mineral DensityFemale Athlete File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis SupervisorStephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors Advisor
7552. Comparing the Catalytic Activity of High Entropy Oxides and their Parent Compounds in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Open Access Author: Vincent, William Title: Comparing the Catalytic Activity of High Entropy Oxides and their Parent Compounds in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: ElectrochemistryRenewable EnergyOER File: Download Vincent_Schreyer_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Raymond Edward Schaak, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors AdvisorDerek M Hall, Faculty Reader
7553. The Role of SR Splicing Protein 9G8 in Regulating Lipid Metabolism in Drosophila Intestine Open Access Author: Voskoboynikov, Roman Title: The Role of SR Splicing Protein 9G8 in Regulating Lipid Metabolism in Drosophila Intestine Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: Drosophila9G8SR proteinIntestineMetabolismSplicing File: Download Voskoboynikov_4.02_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin Di Angelo, Thesis SupervisorJeanne Marie Rose, Thesis Honors Advisor
7554. Purification and Characterization of Chromatin Remodeler SNF2L Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Waldt, Hannah Title: Purification and Characterization of Chromatin Remodeler SNF2L Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: BiochemistryStructural BiologyChromatinISWISNF2LNegative Stain EMCryo-EM File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Jean-Paul Armache, Thesis SupervisorSanthosh Girirajan, Thesis Honors Advisor
7555. The Effect of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Apoptosis, and Genomic Instability. Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Vaneman, Zachary Title: The Effect of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Apoptosis, and Genomic Instability. Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Disease ProgressionEpithelial-Mesenchymal TransitionCell MigrationViscoelastic Hydrogels File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Esther Gomez, Thesis SupervisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
7556. Evaluating Random Forest Model Performance in Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation Across Puerto Rico Open Access Author: Vitti, Caden Title: Evaluating Random Forest Model Performance in Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation Across Puerto Rico Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Puerto Ricoresiliencemicrogridrandom forestsolar powerclimate change File: Download Evaluating_Random_Forest_Model_Performance_in_Predicting_Photovoltaic_Power_Generation_Across_Puerto_Rico.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Renee Obringer, Thesis SupervisorNelson Yaw Dzade, Thesis Honors Advisor
7557. Pass the Plate: An Exploratory Study of the Extent to Which Media Representation of Food has the Ability to Create an Ingroup Among First-Generation Americans Open Access Author: Vitoc, Lidia Title: Pass the Plate: An Exploratory Study of the Extent to Which Media Representation of Food has the Ability to Create an Ingroup Among First-Generation Americans Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: foodethnic foodculturefirst-generation americanamerican studiesmedia studiesfood studies File: Download Final_Draft__UPDATED__-_Copy__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maggie Messitt, Thesis SupervisorJohn R Affleck, Thesis Honors Advisor
7558. Enemies of the States: A Comparative Analysis of the Visual Depictions of America's Enemies (Real or Imagined) During World Wars I and II Open Access Author: Vento, Jackson Title: Enemies of the States: A Comparative Analysis of the Visual Depictions of America's Enemies (Real or Imagined) During World Wars I and II Area of Honors: History Keywords: World War IWorld War IIPropagandaPosters File: Download VentoFinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dan Letwin, Thesis SupervisorJacob F. Lee, Thesis Honors Advisor
7559. What is the Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the Incidence of Accounting Fraud? Open Access Author: Vanriele, Victoria Title: What is the Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the Incidence of Accounting Fraud? Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: businessbusiness ethicsaccountingaccounting fraudimpact of teaching business ethics File: Download Final_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ed Ketz, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors Advisor
7560. Single-Print Rolling Contact Joints to Minimize Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Fingers Open Access Author: Wilson, Mary Title: Single-Print Rolling Contact Joints to Minimize Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Fingers Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: compliant mechanismsrolling contact jointprostheticsprosthetic finger jointsengineering designTPUcontact-aided jointfinger jointsadditive manufacturing3d printing3d-printmechanical designfatigue analysisjoint fatigue File: Download SHC_THESIS_-_Mary_K._Wilson.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jared Butler, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors Advisor
7561. Thermodynamic Parameters of Non-Watson-Crick Base Paired Structures in In-vitro and In-Vivo-Like Conditions Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Winemiller, Atlas Title: Thermodynamic Parameters of Non-Watson-Crick Base Paired Structures in In-vitro and In-Vivo-Like Conditions Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: RNAthermodynamicsnon-Watson-Crickin vivo-like File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Philip C Bevilacqua, Thesis SupervisorStewart Anthony Mallory, Thesis Honors AdvisorElizabeth A Jolley, Faculty Reader
7562. Economic Interconnectedness and Global Justice: Rethinking Compatriot Partiality Open Access Author: Willner, Cael Title: Economic Interconnectedness and Global Justice: Rethinking Compatriot Partiality Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: Political PhilosophyPhilosophyEconomicsImmigration File: Download Final_Cael_P._Willner_Thesis_Submission_4_14.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Desiree Y Lim, Thesis SupervisorBrady Bowman, Thesis Honors Advisor
7563. Full Information Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Zero Forcing Open Access Author: Willman, Mason Title: Full Information Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Zero Forcing Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: graph theoryzero forcinginteger programming File: Download Full_Information_Model.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Robert Cameron, Thesis SupervisorWen-Li Wang, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoseph Peter Previte, Faculty Reader
7564. Financial Education Informs Literacy Through Mandates Open Access Author: Wilkins, Mikayla Title: Financial Education Informs Literacy Through Mandates Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: financial literacymandated financial educationNFCS File: Download Mikayla_-_Honors_Thesis__Final_Version_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ewout Verriest, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
7565. Human Nature Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Williams, Claire Title: Human Nature Area of Honors: English Keywords: naturehumanslandscapenatural worldpoetrycollection File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Thesis SupervisorClaire Mary Colebrook, Thesis Honors Advisor
7566. Sexual and gender minority college student disparities in biobehavioral health outcomes: a call to action Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Yerger, Jordan Title: Sexual and gender minority college student disparities in biobehavioral health outcomes: a call to action Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Sexual and gender minorities (SGM)health disparitiesbiobehavioral health outcomescollege students File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Laura Cousino Klein, Thesis SupervisorKari Christine Kugler, Thesis Honors Advisor
7567. Advanced Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid Using Doppler Functional Ultrasound Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Yong, Katelyn Title: Advanced Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid Using Doppler Functional Ultrasound Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: MATLABCerebrospinal FluidFunctional UltrasoundDoppler Effect File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli, Thesis SupervisorNanyin Zhang, Thesis Honors AdvisorXiao Liu, Faculty Reader
7568. Predicting 2D Geometrical Shapes Using Partial Contour Data and Principal Component Analysis Open Access Author: Ziegler, Alexandria Title: Predicting 2D Geometrical Shapes Using Partial Contour Data and Principal Component Analysis Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Statistical Shape ModelPrincipal Component AnalysisPartial Data PredictionsUltrasoundSpinal AnatomyCross-correlation File: Download Ziegler_Alexandria_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Humberto Cortes Correales, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Humberto Cortes Correales, Thesis Honors AdvisorJason Zachary Moore, Faculty Reader
7569. Competing Factors at Play: Understanding the Gap Between Innovation and Productivity Open Access Author: Zamansky, Adam Title: Competing Factors at Play: Understanding the Gap Between Innovation and Productivity Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Penn StateInnovationKnowledge File: Download Schreyer_Thesis_Adam_Zamansky_2024_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis SupervisorBrian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorSvetla V Vitanova, Faculty Reader
7570. The X-ray enhancements of radio-loud quasars at high redshift: New results at z=4--7 Open Access Author: Zuo, Zihao Title: The X-ray enhancements of radio-loud quasars at high redshift: New results at z=4--7 Area of Honors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords: galaxies: high-redshiftquasars: generalX-rays: galaxies File: Download honors_thesis_without_hyperref.pdf Thesis Supervisors: William Nielsen Brandt, Thesis SupervisorCindy Yuexing Gulis, Thesis Honors Advisor
7571. Perinatal Outcomes of Infants Born to Women Living in Prison: A Systematic Review Open Access Author: Zheng, Nanda Title: Perinatal Outcomes of Infants Born to Women Living in Prison: A Systematic Review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: incarcerationprisonscorrectional facilitieswomen who are pregnant and living in prisonsperinatal outcomespregnancyinfantsbabiesnewbornsprenatal careperinatal carehealthcare File: Download Nanda_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erin Ann Kitt-Lewis, Thesis SupervisorCara L Exten, Thesis Honors Advisor
7572. Characterization of Recycled PVC and Potential Application to the Medical Field Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: York, Samuel Title: Characterization of Recycled PVC and Potential Application to the Medical Field Area of Honors: Plastics Engineering Technology (Behrend) Keywords: PVCRecycleRegrindMedicalPolyvinyl Chloride File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Gregory P Dillon, Thesis SupervisorBradley Gene Johnson, Thesis Honors Advisor
7573. Development of Laser V-Probe Calibration Methods for Measurement of Turbine Blade Tip Clearance Open Access Author: Zanine, Samantha Title: Development of Laser V-Probe Calibration Methods for Measurement of Turbine Blade Tip Clearance Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: v-probetip clearanceblade tip clearancegas turbine enginecalibration File: Download Zanine_Samantha_MechE_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Reid A Berdanier, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Humberto Cortes Correales, Thesis Honors Advisor
7574. Projecting MLB Pitcher Performance with Pitch Grades Open Access Author: Zerbe, Malcolm Title: Projecting MLB Pitcher Performance with Pitch Grades Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: BaseballMLBMachine Learning File: Download honors_thesis_mtz3.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matt Slifko, Thesis SupervisorAndrew John Wiesner, Thesis Honors Advisor
7575. Injury Outcomes in Native and Non-Native American Sign Language Users: An EMG Assessment Open Access Author: Miller, Kara Title: Injury Outcomes in Native and Non-Native American Sign Language Users: An EMG Assessment Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: ElectromyographyAmerican Sign LanguageFatigueMuscle activationBiomechanical assessments File: Download Miller_Kara_Injury_Outcomes_In_Native_And_Non-native_American_Sign_Lanugage_Users.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Meghan Vidt, Thesis SupervisorJian Yang, Thesis Honors Advisor
7576. Evaluating The Chronic Variable Stress Paradigm as a Model Suitable to Test for Stress Resilience of Mice Open Access Author: Botvinov, Julia Title: Evaluating The Chronic Variable Stress Paradigm as a Model Suitable to Test for Stress Resilience of Mice Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: stress resilienceGABAanxietysomatostatinanhedonia File: Download Julia_Botvinov_Final_Thesis_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bernhard Luscher, Thesis SupervisorBernhard Luscher, Thesis Honors AdvisorYingwei Mao, Faculty Reader
7577. The relationship between stress response, milk production, metabolic health factors and micronutrient status in lactating women Open Access Author: Soucy, Elizabeth Title: The relationship between stress response, milk production, metabolic health factors and micronutrient status in lactating women Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: lactationcortisolcortisonemilk productionmetabolic healthmicronutrient status File: Download SOUCY_THESIS_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison D Gernand, Thesis SupervisorAlison D Gernand, Thesis Honors AdvisorPenny Margaret Kris-Etherton, Faculty Reader
7578. A Preliminary Evaluation of the Performance of RNase H2-dependent PCR (rhAmpSeq) for Resistome Characterization in a Complex Sample Open Access Author: Sapre, Anjali Title: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Performance of RNase H2-dependent PCR (rhAmpSeq) for Resistome Characterization in a Complex Sample Area of Honors: Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: Antimicrobial ResistanceGenotypingPCRAntimicrobial Resistance GenesResistome CharacterizationFoodborne Pathogen File: Download Sapre_Final_Thesis_2022.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jasna Kovac, Thesis SupervisorPamela Hankey Giblin, Thesis Honors Advisor
7579. The Mechanism of NELF Recruitment by DSIF in Promoter-proximal Pausing of RNA Polymerase II Open Access Author: Deng, Eilene Title: The Mechanism of NELF Recruitment by DSIF in Promoter-proximal Pausing of RNA Polymerase II Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: promoter-proximal pausingtranscription factorsgene regulationDSIFNELFRNA Polymerase II File: Download Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Scott Gilmour, Thesis SupervisorLorraine C Santy, Thesis Honors Advisor
7580. Engineering transcriptional logic within bacteria using complex, modular, CRISPRi circuit arrays Open Access Author: Roggenbaum, Morgan Title: Engineering transcriptional logic within bacteria using complex, modular, CRISPRi circuit arrays Area of Honors: Biological Engineering Keywords: synthetic biologygenetic circuitsCRISPRitranscriptional read-through File: Download RoggenbaumMorgan_SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Howard M Salis, Thesis SupervisorAli Demirci, Thesis Honors Advisor
7581. Subclinical Hypothyroidism is Associated With Neuroendocrine Stress-Axis Dysregulation Open Access Author: Connor, Chloe Title: Subclinical Hypothyroidism is Associated With Neuroendocrine Stress-Axis Dysregulation Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Thyroidsubclinical hypothyroidismhypothyroidismstressHPA axisHPT axisbiomarkerblood pressurecortisolthyroid stimulating hormoneTSHt4t3depressionanxietyTrier Social Stress Task File: Download C_Connor_THESIS_final_FOR_SUBMISSION.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Cousino Klein, Thesis SupervisorMarie P Cross, Thesis Honors Advisor
7582. Immigration, Social Welfare, and Populism in the Swedish Case After 1930s Open Access Author: Vine, Mae Title: Immigration, Social Welfare, and Populism in the Swedish Case After 1930s Area of Honors: History Keywords: immigrationSwedensocial welfarepopulismSweden DemocratsEuropean migration crisisfar-right File: Download Vine_Mae_SwedenDemocrats.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tobias Heinrich Albert Brinkmann, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
7583. Examining Cases of Property Misinformation in Airbnb Open Access Author: Devarakonda, Vaishali Title: Examining Cases of Property Misinformation in Airbnb Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: AirbnbMachine LearningMisinformationText ClassificationSharing Economy File: Download Devarakonda_Vaishali_Examining_Cases_of_Property_Misinformation_in_Airbnb.pdf Thesis Supervisors: J. Andrew Petersen, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors AdvisorMallory Marie Meehan, Faculty Reader
7584. An Analysis and Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification of Insect Taxonomy with Convolutional Neural Networks Open Access Author: Pham, Viet Title: An Analysis and Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification of Insect Taxonomy with Convolutional Neural Networks Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: Multi-label image classificationinsect monitoringconvolutional neural networksmachine learningcomputer visionimage classification File: Download vhp4_shc_thesis_final_draft_submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis SupervisorJohn Morgan Sampson, Thesis Honors Advisor
7585. The Chemotherapeutic Agent CX-5461 Affects Cell Viability Through a Topoisomerase II Poison-Like Mechanism Open Access Author: Dennis, Kady Title: The Chemotherapeutic Agent CX-5461 Affects Cell Viability Through a Topoisomerase II Poison-Like Mechanism Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: CX-5461mechanism of actionRNA Polymerase I inhibitorTopoisomerase II poison File: Download Dennis_Kady_The_Chemotherapeutic_Agent_CX-5461_Affects_Cell_Viability_Through_a_Topoisomerase_II_Poison-Like_Mechanism.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin R Pritchard, Thesis SupervisorJoseph C. Reese, Thesis Honors Advisor
7586. Examining the Feasibility and Effectiveness of Utilizing Dark Pool Transactions in Retail Algorithmic Trading Open Access Author: Qu, James Title: Examining the Feasibility and Effectiveness of Utilizing Dark Pool Transactions in Retail Algorithmic Trading Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Dark PoolFinanceAlgorithmic TradingTradingPerformanceS&P 500Black BoxAlphaTDTD AmeritradeAPI File: Download ThesisJamesQu.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mihail Velikov, Thesis SupervisorBrian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
7587. Characterization of the Injury Response of Ciliated Neurons in Drosophila Open Access Author: Mauger, Abigail Title: Characterization of the Injury Response of Ciliated Neurons in Drosophila Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: axon injuryciliated neuronschordotonalDLKaxon regenerationDrosophilaneuronaxon File: Download mauger_thesis_sp22.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Rolls, Thesis SupervisorSanthosh Girirajan, Thesis Honors Advisor
7588. Understanding the Mechanisms Controlling the Localization of Microtubule Organization Proteins in Drosophila Neurons Open Access Author: Long, Melissa Title: Understanding the Mechanisms Controlling the Localization of Microtubule Organization Proteins in Drosophila Neurons Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: DrosophilaNeuroscienceMicrotubule NucleationClathrin-Mediated EndocytosisWnt SignalingDendrite File: Download Melissa_Long_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Rolls, Thesis SupervisorDavid Scott Gilmour, Thesis Honors Advisor
7589. Understanding Women and Asian American Disparities in Computer Science Professions Open Access Author: Muhunthan, Aranya Title: Understanding Women and Asian American Disparities in Computer Science Professions Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: aapigender gapSTEMcomputer science File: Download FINAL_THESIS--FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sarah A Damaske, Thesis SupervisorJohn Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
7590. The Effect of the Small RNA RyhB on the Structure of its mRNA Targets Open Access Author: Grecco, Samantha Title: The Effect of the Small RNA RyhB on the Structure of its mRNA Targets Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: sRNARyhBgene expression profilingin vivo chemical structure probingpulldown assayantibiotic resistancestructure-function relationship File: Download Grecco_Samantha_Thesis__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Philip C Bevilacqua, Thesis SupervisorYing Gu, Thesis Honors Advisor
7591. Using COVID 19 Healthcare Misinformation to Develop a System to Detect Future Fake News Open Access Author: Denenberg, Allison Title: Using COVID 19 Healthcare Misinformation to Develop a System to Detect Future Fake News Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: Data ScienceMachine LearningMisinformationFake NewsCOVID-19 File: Download Thesis_Final_Submission_-_Allison_Denenberg.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Suhang Wang, Thesis SupervisorMarc Aaron Friedenberg, Thesis Honors Advisor
7592. Investigation of the Behavior of RNA G-quadruplexes from the Human Genome under Physiological Conditions Open Access Author: Veglia, Karleigh Title: Investigation of the Behavior of RNA G-quadruplexes from the Human Genome under Physiological Conditions Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: G-QuadruplexesRNA Folding File: Download BMB_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Philip C Bevilacqua, Thesis SupervisorTeh-Hui Kao, Thesis Honors Advisor
7593. The Post-WWI Partition of the Ottoman Empire: How Great Britain and France Carved Out the Modern State Order in the Fertile Crescent Open Access Author: Anavkar, Ishaan Title: The Post-WWI Partition of the Ottoman Empire: How Great Britain and France Carved Out the Modern State Order in the Fertile Crescent Area of Honors: History Keywords: PartitionOttoman EmpireFirst World WarGreat BritainFranceState CreationFertile CrescentSyriaLebanonIraq File: Download Thesis_Anavkar2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lior Betzalel Sternfeld, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
7594. Impact of Ties in Stable Matching Problems Open Access Author: Sharma, Kanika Title: Impact of Ties in Stable Matching Problems Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Artificial IntelligenceEconomicsComputer ScienceInformation Science Technology File: Download Sharma_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hadi Hosseini, Thesis SupervisorEdward J Glantz, Thesis Honors Advisor
7595. Freshwater mussels as indicators of mining pollution in Dunkard Creek, West Virginia Open Access Author: Jones, Malichai Title: Freshwater mussels as indicators of mining pollution in Dunkard Creek, West Virginia Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: musselsmussel tissue File: Download thesis_draft_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nathaniel Richard Warner, Thesis SupervisorS. Ilgin Guler, Thesis Honors Advisor
7596. Mechanistic Study of Halogenation by Iron(II) and 2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Oxygenases Open Access Author: Katch, Bryce Title: Mechanistic Study of Halogenation by Iron(II) and 2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Oxygenases Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: EnzymologyStructural BiologyC-H ActivationSadABesD File: Download katch_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amie Kathleen Boal, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Charles Meredith, Thesis Honors Advisor
7597. Analyzing the Extant Differences Between the Data-Transaction and Privacy Regulations of China and the United States Open Access Author: Yue, Alan Title: Analyzing the Extant Differences Between the Data-Transaction and Privacy Regulations of China and the United States Area of Honors: Legal Environment of Business Keywords: Data TransactionChinathe United StatesComparative LawPrivacy Protection LawData ProtectionPrivacy Regulations File: Download Jiangyinglun_Yue_-_ANALYZING_THE_EXTANT_DIFFERENCES_BETWEEN_THE_DATA-TRANSACTION_AND_PRIVACY_REGULATIONS_OF_CHINA_AND_THE_UNITED_STATES.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Robert Cahoy, Thesis SupervisorFiona Greaves, Thesis Honors Advisor
7598. Communicating Privacy-Utility Trade-Offs of Differential Privacy Through Analogical Reasoning Open Access Author: Govere, Ephraim Title: Communicating Privacy-Utility Trade-Offs of Differential Privacy Through Analogical Reasoning Area of Honors: Cybersecurity Analytics & Operations Keywords: Differential PrivacyAnalogical ReasoningPrivacy-Utility Trade-OffsInformation PrivacyVisual Analogy File: Download Govere_ENTA_Schreyer_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aiping Xiong, Thesis SupervisorAnna Cinzia Squicciarini, Thesis Honors Advisor
7599. Development of a Functional RNA-Identifying Computational Pipeline and its Application to SARS-CoV-2 Open Access Author: Forstmeier, Peter Title: Development of a Functional RNA-Identifying Computational Pipeline and its Application to SARS-CoV-2 Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: SARS-CoV-2RNApseudoknotsSNPsRNA structure conservationframeshifting elementFSE File: Download Forstmeier_Thesis_2022_final_revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Philip C Bevilacqua, Thesis SupervisorTeh-Hui Kao, Thesis Honors Advisor
7600. Between the Lines: A Hip Hop Autoethnography Open Access Author: Shott, G Michael Title: Between the Lines: A Hip Hop Autoethnography Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences (Berks/Lehigh) Keywords: AutoethnographyHip HopWhitenessLiminalityIntersectionalityYouth File: Download GMichaelShottJr_-_THESIS__FINAL_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cheryl L Nicholas, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor