Alternative Newsweeklies and the Future of City Reporting
Open Access
McGill, Andrew
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Russell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Thesis Supervisor Russell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Thesis Supervisor Russell Frank, Thesis Honors Advisor
journalism alternative weeklies news media
For more than 30 years, alternative newsweeklies have given cities a second look at themselves, offering off-center takes on the news. Known for their vibrant design, a focus on feature writing and a wealth of entertainment listings, such weeklies have carved out niches in nearly every major American city. But as debt-wracked metropolitan dailies bleed cash and readers, their alternative cousins are finding that their free-distribution business models have not protected them from industry woes either. Nowhere is this more evident than at the offices of Philadelphia City Paper, a proud 30-year-old alt weekly in the midst of a midlife crisis.