Studying the Relationship Between Quality of Prenatal Care and Substance Use in Birth Mothers
Open Access
Nagpal, Nikita
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Jenae Marie Neiderhiser, Thesis Supervisor Jenae Marie Neiderhiser, Thesis Supervisor Katriona Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
Prenatal care substance use
The current study examined the relation between maternal responsibility toward prenatal care and different types of prenatal substance use. Data were collected from 554 mothers who completed an adoption plan. Prenatal substance use was examined as a predictor of the number of prenatal visits and prenatal vitamin use. Results showed negative relations between factors of responsible maternal prenatal care and substance use during pregnancy. This suggests that there are particular prenatal care behaviors associated with prenatal substance use. It is important to identify behaviors associated with prenatal substance use in pregnant women for future research, as well as intervention and prevention.