Brian A Curran, Thesis Supervisor Brian A Curran, Thesis Supervisor Sarah K Rich, Faculty Reader Brian A Curran, Thesis Honors Advisor
Galileo Salone della Meridiana Palazzo dei Cartelloni Siderius Nuncius
While Galileo Galilei was most noted for his contributions to science, he was also a distinguished scholar in the arts. In 1633 Galileo was charged with heresy under the Inquisition. From this point forward, any reference to Galileo and his controversial works was forbidden under papal rule. While general consensus holds that most of his contemporaries and compatriots held true to the papal law, many prominent figures in the scientist’s Florentine home covertly accepted and supported his findings. These people, including the ruling Medici family and prominent scholar Vincenzo Viviani, constructed monuments within their homes and throughout Florence to commemorate the late scientist and legitimize his life and works. This paper will explore the artistic influences of the great scientist while investigating the subsequent impact he had on artists in future generations.