Isolating and Targeting Student Misconceptions in Genetics Through the Implementation of a Problem-based Learning Unit
Open Access
Moloney, Kristyn Danielle
Area of Honors:
Secondary Education
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Scott P McDonald, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Scott P McDonald, Thesis Honors Advisor Deborah Anne Smith, Faculty Reader
Misconceptions in Genetics Problem-Based Learning
Before receiving classroom instruction in any given science, students enter classrooms with ideas about the nature and mechanisms of natural phenomena based on their previous experiences and prior knowledge. This investigation examined the misconceptions with which students entered a 10th-grade biology classroom. By analyzing student ideas and the explanations provided for 5 pre-unit questions, the study highlighted the prevalence of 4 misconceptions that may impact the manner in which students think about more complex processes. This study reinforces currently existing research about misconceptions in genetics, as well as presenting new information about student ideas, contributing to the growing field of misconceptions research, and redesigning curriculum to alter student conceptions and correct these alternate ideas.