Approach Towards Transition Through Special Education and the Sociocultural Theory
Open Access
Nero, Brianne Alyce
Area of Honors:
Special Education
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Richard M Kubina Jr., Thesis Supervisor Richard M Kubina Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor Kathleen M Mckinnon, Faculty Reader
sociocultural special education Gee Lindfor Cambourne education theory transition
As special educators continue to learn new techniques and ways to approach learning in their classrooms to accommodate and reach all of their students many struggle to prepare students for the transition years to help prepare the students for life outside of school. Through the examination of a program known as LifeLink students were able to use this specific structure of a transition program to be immersed in learning avenues that do not completely follow regular special education theories of learning for students ages 5-17. During the time I spent with LifeLink I was able to see learning occurring with the combination of special education theories as well as with theories derived from Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory to show that learning environments and research based programs can be structured in a way to provide student with the best possible outcomes in learning. This process provides students with the tools they need to become independent and reach transition goals.