Hebrew Bible Pentateuch Law Slavery Economy Hebrew philology
Legislation represents an intersection between reflecting social conditions and seeking to create them. The three main legal texts in the Pentateuch are the Covenant Code in Exodus 21-23:19, the Priestly legal material primarily located in Leviticus and Numbers, and the Deuteronomic laws in Deuteronomy 12-26. Written at different times by different pens; each author sought to project their worldview in their respective legislation. This thesis will examine two examples of parallel laws: slavery laws in Exod 21:2-6 and Deut 15:12-18; and false weight laws in Lev 19:35-37 and Deut 25:13-19. Through analyzing textual, archaeological, and other ancient Near Eastern texts, I will demonstrate a systematic pattern of Deuteronomic revision of the earlier Covenant Code. Opposed to the largely casuistic Covenant Code, the legal material in Leviticus and Deuteronomy make free use of literary passages. These literary inclusions demonstrate a sense of historical awareness and add clout to the laws by triggering associations in the audience.