Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Orbital Maneuvers in Astrodynamics
Open Access
Trageser, Katherine Helen
Area of Honors:
Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Robert Graham Melton, Thesis Supervisor Dr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors Advisor David Bradley Spencer, Faculty Reader
optimization orbit particle swarm maneuver transfer thrust inclination space astrodynamics
Particle swarm optimization is a technique that uses a population-based stochastic method to determine the optimal values of unknown parameters for a problem. This method is modeled after how birds flock for food and other swarm behaviors. The particle swarm optimization technique is applied to the problem of optimizing orbital maneuvers, specifically, the problem for an optimal finite-thrust transfer between two circular orbits with one inclination change. The algorithm developed for this problem utilizes the original particle swarm algorithm and modifies it for the optimization for a finite-thrust transfer to a new circular orbit and inclination. The algorithm optimizes the solution by analyzing the solutions via the radius, inclination and velocity vectors for the final solution as compared to the desired final solution. Numerical and graphical methods are used to further analyze the solutions produced by the algorithm in respect to the ideal solution. Comparing the output to the ideal case has shown reasonable numerical accuracy between the solutions.