The Impact of Economic Development Programs and the Potential of Business Incubators in Haiti
Open Access
Mohoric, Andrew Shea
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Bee Yan Roberts, Thesis Supervisor Bee Yan Roberts, Thesis Honors Advisor James R. Tybout, Faculty Reader
Economic Development Haiti Business Incubators Mohoric Roberts
Too often, organizations from wealthy countries supply aid and assistance to less developed countries without considering the long-term sustainability of their proposed solutions. Despite benevolent intentions, these humanitarian efforts can induce more economic harm than healing when donors fail to work with locals to create nation building solutions. This thesis evaluates the impact of economic development programs in Haiti, focusing on the effectiveness of business incubators and their potential to create sustainable, economic change for the country. The key findings presented in this thesis stem from the results of 11 interviews with leaders of economic development organizations in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The results of these interviews suggest that the focus of economic development organizations should be on job creation in small and medium enterprises through partnership with Haitians, since they understand their country’s needs and culture.