The Effect of Education and Technology on the Workforce of 2020
Open Access
Borowski, Katherine Jean
Area of Honors:
Supply Chain and Information Systems
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis Supervisor Dr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
Workforce 2020 Future Education Technology
This thesis was done in response to a Hershey Corporation submission to the Center for
Supply Chain Research. Hershey is looking prepare themselves to better meet the
expectations of future employees specifically in regards to the education of and
technological capabilities of the 2020 worker. This thesis provides a visionary look into
the workforce of 2020 focusing on high school education, learning styles, and changing
technology. Current literature, media, and interviews were used to create a framework
for the future based on current data, projections, and ideas. This thesis is centered on the changes in education and technology for the new decade and how it will impact the
training and skill sets of the hourly and low skilled workforce of 2020.