Vincent M Colapietro, Thesis Supervisor Vincent M Colapietro, Thesis Supervisor John Philip Christman, Faculty Reader Vincent M Colapietro, Thesis Honors Advisor
medicine medical humanities
The medical field operates in a unique space. Building upon millennia of social practices, contemporary medicine has an interesting relationship with both the ancient ideas and
the concepts characteristic of the modern era. Indeed, current medical practice is often defined
both as an art and a science. This work investigates the meaning of that distinction. The ancient understanding of techne offers much insight into the foundations of medicine and its
contemporary manifestations. Against this understanding, the model of the modern natural
sciences presents a radically different perspective. I argue that, through the Ancient Greek conception of division, a more full understanding of medicine is possible. This idea of division sheds light onto the status of health and illness and the necessary principles of practices involving them.