Now & Then: The State College Music Scene [1968-2012]
Open Access
Collins, Daniel Owen
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Charles Dowell Youmans, Thesis Supervisor Mark Edward Ballora, Thesis Honors Advisor
Music State College Music Scene Musicology Music History Retrospective
Now & Then: The State College Music Scene [1968-2012] is the result of a comprehensive yearlong quest to find original pop music from State College and assemble the most noteworthy tracks into a commercially available compilation CD. The aim of this project was to create a professionally rendered historical retrospective of the original music scene in State College and make it commercially available in the marketplace for years to come. This project was designed to allow me to assume responsibility for a professional music production from start to finish with the goal of understanding the structure of the music industry, the process of creating and mastering a full-length album and producing a physical product that could be sold. The decisions made in this process were the result of the formal methodologies and problem-based learning skills I acquired in the College of Information Science & Technologies, my training as a musician, my experiences in the local music scene, and my love of State College and its history. In this paper I have documented and reflected upon the work that went into creating this project.