This is a story of how the bicycle may just be able to save the world. If enough people start riding them instead of using automobiles for daily transportation needs, massive gains could be realized within the health, environmental, and economic sectors of society. However, these gains are not being maximized, and there is a need for information regarding ways to increase ridership populations. This project focuses on the benefits bicycling can bring to an individual and the larger community, and attempts to understand the reasons why so many do not currently take advantage of this sensible method of transportation. My analysis used a framework that quantified the three learning domains in relation to bicycle commuting. These domains are made of the head, hands, and heart, or cognitive, psychomotor, and affective areas. Though the framework did focus on any particular domain, it helps in understanding how to foster the use of the bicycle. This project is part research and part advocacy, and is described through the lens of my own personal experience.