The State of College Radio

Open Access
- Author:
- Yanocha, Karle
- Area of Honors:
- Telecommunications
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Document Type:
- Thesis
- Thesis Supervisors:
- Maria Baukus, Thesis Supervisor
Maria Baukus, Thesis Supervisor
Matthew Jackson, Thesis Honors Advisor - Keywords:
- college radio
- Abstract:
- This thesis presents the history and evolution of the purpose of college radio as a mechanism by which to evaluate its survivability and future in an increasingly digital world. The analysis exists in the form of a literature review of several scholarly articles, as well as pieces of pertaining legislation. WKPS-FM, the student-run college station at The Pennsylvania State University exemplifies the development of college radio, and serves as a guideline for the research. This thesis provides an extensive analysis of station survival, and the impact of webcasting. The ability to broadcast over the internet provides a station with the opportunity to expand its broadcast range on an exponential scale, and plays a significant role in the future of the industry. College stations can evaluate their future and survivability based on this analysis, in the context of college radio history, as well as their own histories. The radio documentary is the most appropriate form of communication for this research, due to its ability to create a long-term impact on its listener, which coincides with the characteristics of college radio. A brief analysis the radio documentary as an art form provides insight for techniques used in producing an effective radio documentary. The radio documentary communicates the research present in this thesis, in addition to interviews with staff members at WKPS, as well as other college stations, individuals from the Alumni Interest Group for WKPS, representatives from Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc. and Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), recording artists, and various individuals from the sources used in this research.