Investigating Application Latency in Distributed Low Power Low Reliability Data Centers
Open Access
Wecht, Saul Laurence
Area of Honors:
Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Thesis Supervisor Lee David Coraor, Thesis Honors Advisor
datacenter power latency geodistribution application
In this paper, we examine the effect of a geo-distributed client-server relationship on application performance. Today, data centers are built to be very high reliability and as a result they have a very high level of power consumption. This paper is the beginning of a study to determine the feasibility of moving to a distributed system in which redundant lower reliability and therefore lower power data centers are used instead.
This paper investigates the latency (and therefore performance) impact that geo-distribution may have on an application which utilizes a data center. Specifically, we investigated the various latencies associated with applications representative of common usage scenarios when subjected to varying distances between clients and servers. This paper will focus on the MediaWiki application and a simple web service. These applications were chosen because of their typically centralized and high-demand usage scenario.