Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide
Open Access
Frederick, Allison Leigh
Area of Honors:
Political Science
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
David Lynn Lowery, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
gun control firearm homicide United States United Kingdom Australia Canada Interrupted Time Series Regulation Policy
This paper’s purpose is to explore whether gun control policy put in place by the government has any effect on the rates of homicide by firearm. Looking at homicide data across four countries--the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada--and adding in trend, counter, and legislation dummy variables to account for the passage and enforcement of gun control laws, an interrupted time-series analysis model will be employed. The model found mixed results, but it appears that gun control legislation does, in at least some cases, have an effect on the rate of homicides by firearm.