screenplay college of communications music social media feature
The purpose of this thesis was to create a feature-length narrative screenplay, something not offered in any other Penn State film classes. Over the past year, I wrote Unplugged. Though the overall genre borrows from road movies, dark comedies, and movies about music, I aimed to incorporate ideas about the ways people relate to each other, whether that be through music, social media and technology, or just as people talking to each other face to face. John Cobb is a musician caught in a bubble of fame and talent, so when he is forced out into the world, he’s lost. It’s only through the human connection with Greg Turner that he can work through his problems, accept himself, and save the day even in a world where technology threatens to push us apart more than ever. On another level, Unplugged deals with the way music plays dueling roles in our society, either as a form of creative expression or as an industry for profit.