Creating Polloids - A Symthesis of Colloidal Polymer Chains
Open Access
Michaelis, Charles Allen
Area of Honors:
Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Darrell Velegol, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Michael John Janik, Faculty Reader Darrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
colloid polymer chains assemblies
Colloidal particles have been used to study atomic and molecular systems for over a century. Using physically deformed micron-size polystyrene latex particles, chains of colloids were fabricated, taking advantage of electrostatically repulsive surface functionalization and attractive van der Waal forces. These chains, ranging from a few particles to as many as 35 particles, were observed to follow known polymer theory, even showing hyper branched polymer systems. The chains are self-assembling and flexible, and hold promise in fields such as viscoelastic lubricants, biomimetic functional structures, and fluids with enhanced thermal conductivity.