A Sensor-based Lap Counter and Timer for Use in Swim Training
Open Access
Nellis, Robert William
Area of Honors:
Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Henry Joseph Sommer III, Thesis Supervisor Zoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
Sensor Swim Training Lap Counter Timer Nellis Sommer Ounaies
The ability to analyze a swimming workout is of interest to competitive and recreational swimmers alike. Traditional methods of workout analysis including video review and manual lap and stroke count are tedious, time consuming, and subject to human error. To improve the analysis, several studies have been conducted involving sensors to track swimming data, and products have been released on the market. The studies and products currently available have used sensors such as accelerometers, gyros, and magnetometers to track swimming data, yet no publication directly compares the outputs from each simultaneously to determine the most effective sensor and axis on which the data analysis can be based. This research study shows that it is possible to create a swimming lap counter which only uses antero-posterior acceleration data and a computer algorithm to determine the type of swimming stroke used, number of length completions and durations, and number of rest completions and durations. A unique prototype and analysis algorithm are also developed.