A Cross Cultural Analysis of Vogue Magazine and its Implications on Body Image and the World of High Fashion
Open Access
Twillmann, Paige Elizabeth
Area of Honors:
Advertising/Public Relations
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Susan Mary Strohm, Thesis Honors Advisor Dr. Susan Mary Strohm, Faculty Reader
too-thin detachment anxiety objectification superiority United States Italy Spain Vogue
My thesis is an analysis of advertisements in Vogue, Vogue Italia, and Vogue España in the context of each nation’s legal framework, high fashion as an industry, and the implication of body image. In relation to the ban of “too-thin” models on runways in European countries and by certain designers, I sought to see if this might translate and affect what advertisements are printed in international Vogue magazines. I collected Vogue, Vogue Italia, and Vogue España for one year, to form a sample of over 2,300 advertisements. I categorized the sample by country, designer, and type of product being sold. I analyzed the data using a process called Ethnographic Content Analysis, and extracted focal codes and themes in the advertisements. Using this information, I looked to see if there was any differences or trends between countries, designers, or the fashion industry as a whole.