Analysis of at Risk Middle School Students' Errors When Solving Fractions
Open Access
Singer, Lauren Melissa
Area of Honors:
Educational Psychology
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Rayne Audrey Sperling, Thesis Supervisor David Lee, Thesis Honors Advisor Paul J Riccomini, Faculty Reader
fractions error analysis at risk math educational psychology special education learning students school education
As a country, we are falling behind in teaching our children mathematics. Mathematics is a clear predictor of future academic success and is vital for a student’s education. Students’ understanding of fractions is the strongest predictor of future knowledge of algebra and overall mathematics achievement, even after controlling for parents’ education, and income. Consequently, there is an immediate need to improve teaching and learning of fractions according the National Mathematics Advisory Panel. This thesis aims to address the above issues by conducting an error analysis to study the error patterns made by struggling students on fraction problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Discussion includes patterns of errors that occurred most frequently and recommendations for future instruction.