Control Board to Measure the State of Health of an Access Point in the geopebble System
Open Access
Sie, Charles Lesmana
Area of Honors:
Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis Supervisor Jeffrey Scott Mayer, Thesis Honors Advisor
microcontroller circuit design sensors geoPebble
This thesis explores the design and characterization of the Control Module board that will supply power to the Access Points of the geoPebble system in the harsh operating condition of the Antarctic. This board is the bridge between the 12-V battery power source and the Access Point module. The Module will minimize the power consumption of the Access Point to maximize the lifetime of the 12-V battery. The Control Module will also measure the state of health of the Access Point. This Module has sensors that monitor the temperature, position, and orientation of the Access Point. The Module features a microcontroller that is programmed to turn on/off the Access Point based on the data gathered from its sensors. The board also has a ZigBee radio that is used to communicate with the base station, which allows remote power switching of the Access Point.