My Bloodtype is Arabica: An Examination into Why and How We Drink Coffee
Open Access
Eissler, Sarah Elizabeth
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Lisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor Mark A Brennan Jr., Thesis Supervisor
coffee espresso agriculture international cultures
Coffee is a ubiquitous part of our world’s culture. It is the second most traded commodity on the market and in some form or another, over half of the world’s population consumes it daily. I used to naively believe coffee solely existed in the form of Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts – I didn’t even realize that espresso and coffee came from the same bean. I had no basis for the long history behind its cultivation and emergence in the world market. As an avid – and uneducated – coffee drinker, I sought to learn a few things about what I was drinking every morning.
What began as a simple Google search turned into a fascination and eventually, this thesis. My research explores where coffee comes from, how it’s grown, affects our health and how it emerged as a staple across cultures today. From Vietnam to Finland, Italy to New York and Philadelphia, I’ve talked with baristas and locals, drank my fair share of coffee and lattes, all to better understand why and how people and different cultures enjoy the same daily ritual. My research draws from academic books, newspaper articles, scientific publications, and personal interviews, experience and observations.