Best Practices for Responsible Sourcing Programs in the Cocoa Industry
Open Access
Jarmul, Samantha Rose
Area of Honors:
Supply Chain and Information Systems
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis Supervisor Dr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
responsible sourcing cocoa
A potential supply scarcity in the cocoa industry coupled with increased demand from stakeholders for corporate social responsibility and sustainability programs has put added pressure on chocolate and confectionary companies to take action. Due to the inherent nature of these issues, much of the obligation and responsibility to ensure a consistent supply of high quality cocoa procured in an ethical and sustainable fashion falls on the supply chain and procurement functions of corporations. Although progress has been made regarding responsible sourcing programs in the cocoa industry, great strides still need to be made to truly reform the cocoa supply chain and effectively carry out company goals in this arena. Five multinational food and chocolate companies were studied and interviewed about their responsible sourcing programs for cocoa. The companies shared current practices, goals, benefits gained, and challenges experienced. From this, best practices were compiled and the potential longevity, success, and impact of these programs were analyzed.