Danny Boyle Film films movie movies film analysis movie analysis cinema cinephilia auteur theory neoformalism
The film and play director Danny Boyle has produced a vital library of work which provides insight into the basic, but profound topics of disgust and money. These themes are wholeheartedly worthy of exploration. Disgust is completely a base reaction which can unwillingly dictate social interactions and human relationships; while the issue of money touches at the very core of a limited list of cultural universals. This makes both topics crucial to the clichéd, but worthy pursuits of understanding and relishing what it is to be human. Boyle has an almost sixth sense for choosing stories with these themes well sublimated into the plot, and he has a seemingly innate ability to violently explode that directed bundle of issues onto the screen with beauty and grace, all while keeping the viewer totally enthralled. Aided by his treatment of disgust and money, Boyle’s films make for not only a fascinating and gut-wrenching spectacle, they also quietly ignite discovery about the world and one’s self within it.