Exploring the Effectiveness of Art as a Form of Assessment
in General Education Classrooms
Open Access
Ricciutti, Melissa Nicole
Area of Honors:
Elementary and Kindergarten Education
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Christine M Thompson, Thesis Supervisor Kathleen Mary Collins, Thesis Honors Advisor
Art-based learning art assessment elementary multiple intelligences theory schemas
The focus in the classroom has started to turn towards the individual, trying to accommodate the learning needs of each student. Though, styles of teaching may have started to change, the methods of assessment have not. Traditional methods of assessment can be constraining and invalidating to some types of learners. Varied styles of learning and assessment are important to ensure all students get a fair chance to succeed in school. Art, though traditionally seen as a “fun” classroom activity, demonstrates children’s understandings of the world because in order to create something new, you must rely on prior knowledge. Through an observational study 1st and 2nd graders at The Saturday Art School, I was able examine whether or not you could assess knowledge through art. The data from this study and my student teaching experience combined with the literature showed that pairing artwork with a chance to explain their art provides teachers with a way to assess artwork for understanding; thus, showing how students can be taught and evaluated in new ways.