The relevancy of print newspapers in the changing news cycle and how editors manage to motivate
Open Access
Horn, Brittany Anne
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Russell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Thesis Supervisor Anthony Barbieri, Thesis Honors Advisor
newspapers print journalism editors Philadelphia Inquirer Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Harrisburg Patriot-News
This thesis examines the steps national news organizations with a print product are taking to remain relevant and up to speed in the increasing 24/7 news cycle. It offers an in-depth look at the editorial process behind multiple news organizations in the United States, as well as a comparison among the various outlets included in the study and the reasoning behind editorial decisions. There is also a closer look provided at the editors of each organization and what they are doing to help motivate their staffs during this turbulent time in journalism and the transition to a more “digital first” approach. In many cases, the newspapers show a unified approach in moving forward with the changing industry, though a few outliers provide a balanced and unique take on approaches moving forward. The thesis also provides a first-hand look from a college editor and the parallels between professional organizations and collegiate newspapers. The following thesis shows a changing industry attempting to discover the most cost-efficient business model to balance both the bottom line and top news coverage.