Miss-represented: Female Representation in Politics
Open Access
Barlow, Hannah Jayne
Area of Honors:
Political Science
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Susan Welch, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
Politics International Politics Women Government
This thesis examines why women are and are not elected, appointed, or temporarily positioned as heads of government. I use four factors –the structure of the government, the proportion of women already in the legislature, the political ideology of the candidate, and the year full women’s rights were granted- to determine what influences women’s arrival at their country’s top political position. When predicting whether or not women were made heads of government in a particular election period, most factors have a modest and statistically significant effect. The parliamentary system of government had a particularly large impact. This suggests that the structure of government plays a very important role on whether or not a woman is made a head of government, and proportion of women has less of a role, despite popular belief. From the results of my analysis, I can determine that my model is a good predictor for the occurrence of a women becoming a head of government.