Enchanting Deception of Text and Instant Messaging
Open Access
Lee, Seung Won
Area of Honors:
Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Samar Farage, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Jack L Selzer, Thesis Honors Advisor
text instant messaging Weber technology
We live in an age where the majority of people are turning towards non-verbal communication as a means of relating to each other. Text and instant messaging through mobile devices is becoming prevalent in our society, mostly among youth but also adults. This thesis attempts to trace the history of text and instant messaging, since its initial development from early nineteenth century’s first telegraph to the all-inclusive mobile device it is now. It also offers an assessment of the ramifications of such media on social relations; text messaging increasingly makes us feel lonelier and less prepared for creating and maintaining meaningful relationships. It also discusses some of their cognitive effects, as dependence on the medium changes our brain functions, distances us from traditional formal language use, and impedes learning.