Education Attainment, Socioeconomic Segregation, and School Finance
Open Access
Li, Runbo
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Russell Wade Cooper, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor James R. Tybout, Faculty Reader
education attainment socioeconomic segregation school finance
In recent decades, educated workers have become increasingly concentrated in order to benefit from job market, peer effects, and social spillovers. Differences in education attainment across communities can result in socioeconomic segregation. I apply the Benabou location choice framework to national data and view it in the context of school finance policies. I find that 1) at the state level, there is no relationship between school revenue redistribution and spending equity, 2) neither school revenue redistribution nor spending have a relationship with segregation, and 3) achievement equity has a weak relationship with segregation.