Pilot Study For Development and Application of a Mealtime Video-capture Protocol to Validate the Satter Feeding Dynamics Inventory
Open Access
Pappas, Stefani Katherine
Area of Honors:
Nutritional Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Barbara Ann Lohse, Thesis Supervisor Rebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
Children fdSI Satter Feeding Dynamics Inventory fdSatter Nutrition Validation
The parent-child feeding relationship influences development of child eating habits and relationship with eating. The Satter Feeding Dynamics Model (fdSatter) was developed to help diagnose and treat obesogenic parental feeding behaviors by targeting specific parent feeding behaviors and advocating for child eating competence (Lohse et al 2014). The Satter Feeding Dynamics Inventory (fdSI), a 15-item Likert-scaled self-report of feeding practices and attitudes, measures adherence to fdSatter. Although face and content validity of the fdSI have been demonstrated, construct validity has not been assessed. The purpose of this study was to assist with construct validation by developing a protocol for evaluating mealtime observations.
A pilot study consisting of eight families with preschool age children informed full study procedures. The eight families completed a survey set of tested and validated instruments in addition to the fdSI. Two of the eight families agreed to video-capture of a typical evening meal, including retaking the fdSI and a brief post-video debriefing. Contrasting fdSI responses against observed mealtimes will facilitate validation of an instrument with a capacity for early identification and treatment of feeding problems, inform treatment design and delivery, and enhance education efforts to improve parent feeding practices.