Improving Community Health Through Collaboration and Assessment: A two-part study of community health needs assessments
Open Access
Young, Sara Isabella
Area of Honors:
Health Policy and Administration
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Rhonda Be Lue, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Rhonda Be Lue, Thesis Honors Advisor Patricia Y Miranda-Hartsuff, Faculty Reader
community health improvement ACA CHNA
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 set into motion major changes in the health services industry. The United States infrastructure of public health—local health departments, polices, and regulations—has been hit by this change in the wake of the ACA with an opportunity for collaboration on community health assessments. This is a two part study that first looks at these health assessments from a non-profit hospital perspective and discusses the use of asset-mapping methodology in a community health needs assessment. Second, this study examines local health departments using a health systems thinking perspective to understand what factors are associated with collaboration with non-profit hospitals on community health assessments. Results of this study help to shape the direction of the public health infrastructure post-ACA world, indicating an important use of asset-mapping in modern day assessments and also demonstrating important local health department characteristics that exist within hospital and health department collaboration.