Maria Nikolova Avramova, Thesis Supervisor Seungjin Kim, Thesis Honors Advisor
CTF NEM Nuclear MOX Core neutronics thermal hydraulics modeling
The goal of this project was to explore the accuracy of the Reactor Dynamics and Fuel Management (RDFMG) Group’s CTF/NEM coupled codes. This was done to allow for their use in a variety of reactor analysis scenarios, as well as, use in a classroom setting. To accomplish this, the codes were run in three cases: Hot Zero Power steady-state, Hot Full Power steady-state, and a Rod Ejection Accident (REA) scenario using the Purdue PWR MOX Core benchmark. The results from these simulations were then compared to benchmarks from a PARCS predictions for the same Purdue PWR MOX Core benchmark. This report is to analyze and interpret that data and any discrepancies that exist and draw conclusions on the validity of CTF/NEM and verify it for use in reactor analysis.