The Efficacy of Low Technology Visual Scene Displays on the Communication of a Developmentally Delayed Individual
Open Access
Bongo, Hailey Elizabeth
Area of Honors:
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Kathryn D R Drager, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Ingrid Maria Blood, Thesis Honors Advisor
Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC Visual Scene Display VSD Developmental Delay Complex Communication
The purpose of this paper is to explore the efficacy of an intervention combining low technology visual scene displays (VSDs) and aided modeling for a preschool aged child with developmental delay. This case study focused on one participant, who will be referred to as Sam. Low technology VSDs were created using photographs of the participant engaged in different activities. Results of this study revealed that the combination of low technology VSDs and aided modeling was successful in increasing the number of communication turns and the variety of semantic concepts expressed during the intervention sessions.