The Stickiness Factor: A Study Of Disney’s Magnetic Appeal
Open Access
Chang, Cindy Hsin-hua
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Jennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Supervisor Jennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor Franklin Jerome Carter Jr., Faculty Reader
Disney Marketing Brand Stickiness Consumer Behavior
Why are animated Disney films so sticky and how does Disney animation create lifelong value for consumers? To answer this question, the concept of stickiness is deconstructed into the SUCCES model from Dan and Chip Heath. The first section of this paper uses the SUCCES model to conduct critical analyses of the most current Disney animated products, and compares this analysis to consumer perceptions gathered in young adult focus groups. The second section of this paper examines how childhood memories may affect brand perception in later life. A study of the relationship Disney possesses with young adults is investigated through use of projective techniques. Lastly, closing remarks include recommendations for areas of future research into the power of the Disney brand.