Olympic District 2040: Renegotiating the Olympic Commons for Spatial Justice and Development Equity
Open Access
Ray, Melanie L
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Architecture
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Darla V Lindberg, Thesis Supervisor Scott W Wing, Thesis Honors Advisor
architecture urban design olympic development olympics planning
Between the extravagant opening ceremonies and millions of dollars in monumental development, the Olympic Games is still plagued by the same issue it has faced in decades past; the brevity of the celebration leaves the city incapable of supporting the infrastructure and initiatives required of an Olympic host city. An incessant increase in size, investment, and risk has disproportionately escalated the magnitude of Games’ impact on cities, both positive and negative. Hosting the Olympics is now considered a condition that economically and physically paralyzes a city after the torch is extinguished. Without proper planning, what remains are the skeletons of a former time and neglected communities at risk of social depravity. This thesis attempts to break the trend of failed Olympic post-game planning by addressing the problem at its source- the methodology of hosting. In order to propose a new innovation in the planning process and to break the cycle of selective beneficiaries of the Olympic games, steps must be taken to ensure even the most disenfranchised members of society reap the benefits of a new type of Olympic development.