Recruiting and retaining (more) women of color into the field of education
Open Access
Castro, Denise
Area of Honors:
Childhood and Early Adolescent Education
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Jeanne Marie Rose, Thesis Supervisor John Michael Regan, Thesis Honors Advisor
education autoethnography women of color educators of color race privilege diversity
This thesis focuses on the limited number of women of color in the field of education. Schools are becoming increasingly more diverse as the makeup of student populations changes. This diversity, however, is not reflected in the population of teachers in these schools. The research related to the low percentage of educators of color focuses almost exclusively on black educators. In order to address the gaps in the literature, the methods involved doing an autoethnographic study in which I explored, discussed, and reflected on the formative moments in my educational history as a student and teacher of color. A method for self-reflection on issues of race and privilege was developed as a framework for recruiting and retaining women of color in education.