Comparing the device performance of solar cells based on polymers mixed with fullerene, polymer blends, and block copolymers
Open Access
Palarino, Mario Vincent
Area of Honors:
Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis Supervisor Andrew Zydney, Thesis Honors Advisor
Chemical Engineering Organic Photovoltaics Solar Cells Polymer Blends Block Copolymers
Conjugated polymers are candidates for use in low-cost electronics and photovoltaics. These organic materials could have myriad applications ranging from providing residential electricity to accessing and collecting data. The potential impact of such devices derives from the organic interfaces of the electron donor-acceptor heterojunctions. These interfaces, which are typically composed of fullerene-based acceptors, demonstrate efficient conversion between light and power. This work compares the efficiency of fullerene-based PCBM and non-fullerene-based PFTBT acceptors. To test fullerene-based acceptors, organic photovoltaic devices were constructed using P3HT/PCBM and PTB7/PCBM active layer combinations that were fabricated using glass substrates with an indium tin oxide (ITO) and PEDOT:PSS coated cathode combined with an evaporated aluminum anode. To test non-fullerene-based acceptors, various devices were created using P3HT/PFTBT and P3HT-b-PFTBT combinations. Experimental device efficiencies found for fullerene-based acceptors were higher than those found for non-fullerene-based acceptors.