The Student Philanthropy Shift: How Debt Affects College Student Philanthropy
Open Access
Janoski, Alissa Marie
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Dr. Jessica Jane O'hara, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Xiaoye You, Thesis Honors Advisor
philanthropy Millennials student debt
Through the lenses of English rhetoric and economic theories, this thesis explores how student resentment over the indebtedness of the college generation affects philanthropic giving. One of the most recognizable attributes of the Millennial (college age students and young alumni) generation is their willingness to rally behind causes they feel a connection to. This paper explores the resentment of the Millennial generation towards higher education institutions. A discussion of the financial situation of college students emphasizes why this resentment exists. The majority of this paper examines Penn State as a case study for this topic through the Penn State Class Gift Campaign. In addition, this thesis identifies ways institutions can combat the institutional resentment from students to create philanthropic affinity for a college or university. This thesis identifies results that suggest students’ are showing a greater concern for “people to people” giving rather than giving to the beautification of a college campus.