Focus on Negative Outcomes: Women's Birth Experiences in the United States
Open Access
Pecora, Olivia
Area of Honors:
Women's Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Jill Wood, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Jennifer Ann Wagner-Lawlor, Thesis Honors Advisor
feminism women's health women's studies childbirth maternal mortality midwifery
The purpose of this paper is to explore the significance of maternal mortality in the United States as it affects women’s birthing decisions and experiences. Maternal mortality is at an all-time high in the US; my research aims to understand the causes of the high maternal death rate. This research will allow me to explore how the causes of maternal mortality are significant to women, if maternal mortality is in fact a good measure of maternal well-being, and how the focus on birth outcomes impacts women’s birth choices and experiences.