What We Should Be Learning: A Study of School Shooting After-Action Reports
Open Access
Yastishock, Samuel Peter
Area of Honors:
Security and Risk Analysis
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Peter Kent Forster, Thesis Supervisor Marc Aaron Friedenberg, Thesis Honors Advisor
AAR school shooting after-action Columbine Virginia Tech Sandy Hook
This report analyzes after-action reports from three mass school shooting events: Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook. The after-action reports were reviewed in order to determine how the reports are structured and distributed; what the reports recommend to prevent future incidents; and if there are any areas for improvement. This thesis used a case-study approach with a set of guiding questions for analyzing each report. Data came from publicly available after-action reports. By completing this research, valuable information is added to the literature regarding mass school shooting after-action reports. Researchers will find areas where after-action reports can be improved. These results will make students, teachers, and others involved in education safer.