“A Change from Ignorance to Knowledge:” Four Incarnations of Stanley Kubrick’s Tragic Hero
Open Access
Giannetta, Angela Gabrielle
Area of Honors:
Letters, Arts, and Sciences (Abington)
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Leonard Mustazza, Thesis Supervisor Dr. David E Ruth, Thesis Honors Advisor
Stanley Kubrick Aristotle The Poetics Tragic hero The Shining 2001: A Space Odyssey A Clockwork Orange Eyes Wide Shut
This paper uses the Aristotelian tragic hero from the Poetics to analyze some of Stanley Kubrick's films. The paper argues that Aristotle's scenes of Reversal, Recognition, and Suffering are present within 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut and the respective tragic heroes in each film endure this journey. Using Aristotle's tragic hero blueprint in conjunction with these films adds another dimension to the selected characters because the application of this method provokes the audience's sympathy. Choosing to focus on the Aristotelian tragic hero structure, rather than the minutiae, simplifies and demystifies the content of Kubrick's work.