Millennial Existence is a Streaming Meta Dramedy & "The Only Coffee Shop in the City"
Open Access
Stump, Abigail E
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Christopher Gervais Reed, Thesis Supervisor Susan B Russell, Thesis Honors Advisor
theatre playwriting fulllengthplay comedy meta metacomedy originalplay creativewriting fiction originalwork performingarts mentalhealth selflove selfcare psychology television tv film episodic episodicnarrative episodictheatre millennial existentialism
The preface to my TV-inspired dramedy play The Only Coffee Shop in the City – an ode to, study around, and defense of an especially challenged generation – tackles three related topics: how sociopolitical and digital contexts influence viewers, performers, and characters, how episodic television format benefits theatre, and how genre hybridity grants space for women.
"The Only Coffee Shop in the City" Synopsis:
After a melodramatic post-college breakup, writer Carrie leaves one city for another to navigate the Kubler-Ross Model (“DABDA”), from Denial through Acceptance. She and an ensemble of initial strangers explore maturity, independence, mental health, and commitment both in Real Life and their imaginations – while maintaining pristine social media presence, of course.