Financial Literacy and Numeracy: Implications on Personal Wealth Potential Improvement Methods
Open Access
Pettner, Jason T
Area of Honors:
Finance (Behrend)
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Michael Greg Filbeck, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Michael Edward Brown, Thesis Honors Advisor
Financial Literacy Finance Financial Self-Esteem CFA Society Pittsburgh Numeracy
Financial education is currently lacking in the United States and globally, resulting in poor worldwide financial literacy. In efforts to improve literacy and numeracy, the CFA Society Pittsburgh launched a high school financial literacy campaign, which resulted in statistically significant improvement. Students who participated in the survey experienced a statistically significant improvement in the four main areas tested: financial behavior, subjective financial knowledge, objective financial knowledge, and self-esteem. These findings highlight the potential to improve attributes that impact financial decision-making through education.