The Mediating Role of Self-Control in the Depression-Delinquency Link
Open Access
Reynolds, Taylor Nicole
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Eric Silver, Thesis Supervisor Stacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
Self-Control Mediating Role of Self-Control Depression Delinquency Depression-Delinquency Link
Several studies have explored and established a link between depression and delinquency; however, the explanation as to why this link exists is limited and remains uncertain. This study looks at low levels of self-control as an outcome of depression and as a contributor to delinquent behavior. Remster (2014) is the first study to introduce self-control as an explanation for the depression-delinquency association. This study replicates and extends Remster’s work by examining a similar hypothesis using data from a different country (Iceland) and by using a more developed measure of self-control. Results show that the association between depression and delinquency remained statistically significant and positive through all of my findings. Although results fail to support the hypothesis that self-control mediates the depression-delinquency link, depression is nonetheless associated with low levels of self-control and low levels of self-control still predict delinquency.