The Evolution of African American Artists’ Music in American Cinema
Open Access
Spence, Carson
Area of Honors:
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis Supervisor Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis Honors Advisor Matthew Frank Jordan, Faculty Reader
Cultural Appropriation Film Studies Reappropriation Film
Throughout the history of the American cinema, African American artists’ music has been used in thousands of films. There are many purposes to choose to score a film with African American artists’ music and in this thesis, I will examine how the role of this music has evolved over time. Starting from a place of cultural appropriation, black artists’ music in film has turned towards a state of reappropriation. Through various films such as, Nothing But a Man, Killer of Sheep, The Big Chill, Waves and more, and selected scholarship by Claudia Gorbman, James O. Young, Ray Black, and others, I will analyze the relationship between film and the use of black artists’ music over time through theories of cultural appropriation, reappropriation, and neorealism.