Gender and Generation Gap in Online News Consumption
Open Access
Korgaonkar, Swarali
Area of Honors:
Digital Media Trends Analytics
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Krishna Prasad Jayakar, Thesis Supervisor Lee A Ahern, Thesis Honors Advisor
digital media communications online news gender generation
This study intends to investigate the differences by gender and age cohorts on the preference to consume news on social media platforms. Using a national sample from the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, this study conducts regression analysis to identify if and how gender and age affect the preferred platform for news consumption, after controlling for other factors. Specifically, it asks how online media use is influenced by gender and the generation gap. The findings of the study have implications for both the news business as well as political participation. News media and political communicators may use the findings in future elections in order to determine what are the key ways to target different demographic groups. The findings will also help theoretical explorations of the implications of news consumption for political empowerment and participation.