Visualization of Metal Flow Situation in a 3D Geometry using an Analog Fluid, with Applications in Engineering Education
Open Access
Sim, Jay
Area of Honors:
Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Guhaprasanna Manogharan, Thesis Supervisor Anne Elizabeth Martin, Thesis Honors Advisor
Metal Casting Engineering Education Metal Analog Casting Defect
Metal casting is one of the world’s oldest manufacturing technologies and it is estimated one is always within 10 feet of a metal casting part. Direct visual observation of the liquid metal filling the empty cavity is a significant challenge facing metal casting that needs to be addressed. Numerical tools and commercial software packages have long been used to model the filling and solidification phases of metal casting, to better understand the fundamental science behind metal casting and to reduce casting defects. Past work has also focused on x-ray radiography of metal castings to visually observe the flow of liquid metal. This research project presents an alternative to both simulation and in-situ x-ray radiography scanning of metal castings in the form of machined Poly methyl methacrylate(PMMA) molds. Because of the transparency of PMMA, or acrylic, users can directly observe the flow of fluid. Although liquid metal cannot be poured in machined acrylic molds, new metal analog fluids were developed. The results of this project show the viability of using acrylic molds to better understand the filling phase of metal castings and opens the possibility of early metal casting education. However, work remains to be done on developing a more accurate metal analog.