Efficient Scheduling and Compilation of Quantum Programs

Open Access
- Author:
- Montaner, Javier
- Area of Honors:
- Computer Science
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Science
- Document Type:
- Thesis
- Thesis Supervisors:
- Swaroop Ghosh, Thesis Supervisor
John Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor - Keywords:
- Quantum Computing
Quantum Compilation - Abstract:
- In the decades since the conception of a quantum computer, significant progress has been made toward making them a reality. Current implementations are severely limited; however, they are a significant step in the development of the field and allow for the continuation and expansion of research in the area. While much of the research is focused on improving the robustness and scalability of the logical units as well as finding algorithms which fully utilize the power available to the quantum system, there are other areas which require attention to develop a fully functioning quantum computer. One such consideration, and the focus of this work, is the efficient management of the execution of quantum programs on a device. Current work seeks to find the factors which most directly influence the execution of programs and should therefore be considered to perform efficient operation and scheduling. The work also seeks to maximize their performance given the limitations of the current generation of quantum computers. Through utilizing IBM’s quantum backends, multiple scheduling heuristics were tested to determine the factors which contribute to the execution of programs and their relative importance. These included the error rates of the hardware, the traffic level measured by the queue time for each device, and the depth of the implemented quantum circuit. In this way this thesis is able to explore the field of quantum compilation and understand the current state of its development.