Structuring a Telecommunications Company’s Supply Chain to Accommodate Future Ecommerce Trends
Restricted (Penn State Only)
Suchar, Jacob
Area of Honors:
Supply Chain and Information Systems
Bachelor of Science
Document Type:
Thesis Supervisors:
Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis Supervisor John C Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
Supply Chain E-Commerce Automation
Consumer demands are often changing, requiring organizations to routinely investigate new trends as well as creating a flexible and robust supply chain that can adapt to the changing demands. The purpose of this report is to uncover customer demands within the telecommunications industry and use this information to make supply chain recommendations to a company within that industry. The company, referred to as “Company A” in this report, specifically wished to understand customer expectations involving e-commerce, as well as hear recommendations about automation solutions, the role of third-party logistics providers, delivery time to customers, and costs of implementation.